Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where is the Hope?

Always the argument for fighting injustice at a local level and changing the simple controllable practices in our life that we know may be wrong but might not witness the direct consequences, is simply that my small actions or sacrifices have no significance.

 Whether it is not purchasing bottled water, or clothes stained by the blood of overworked and underpaid children, or better yet marching in protest or writing your representatives, these are the sacrifices that we know we should make but would characterize as being worthless and pointless endeavors.

 Whatever it may be, constantly we (myself included) justify not sacrificing at the local level because we do not see its effects or believe that are small actions have any significance.

 This mentality is not only disproved by history but as well stunts societies’ forward progress.

 Movements that really take flight and sweep change across society are always birthed out of locality, families, and personal sacrifices. 

 Racism for example- Even when the laws of land condemned and made segregation and racism as a practice illegal, there were still practices like not selling land to African Americans that plagued "free" and "equal" America up until 1989.

 Real change took place around the dinner table, when parents tucked their children in to bed, planting seeds of respect, beliefs in equality, ideas that God truly created every man in his image, and implanting the biblical fact that Jesus died for humanity, not just me and you but for Osama Bin Laden and his misguided associates as well.

 For Henry David Thoreau, there was not inconsequential acts, only consequential action: "For it matters not how small the beginning may seem to be: what is once well done is done forever" 

 And as well...

 Chico Mendez began his journey simply fighting to save the rubber tree and the people whose lives were dependent on this natural resource, but soon realized the significance of his fight. "... Then I thought I was trying to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I was fighting for humanity." 

 This is what makes passions and individuality beautiful!

 I may be passionate about teaching people about peace and how there is another way besides violence, another may be passionate about revealing the Gospel, another may be passionate about feeding the homeless, and even again another may be passionate about recycling.

 Each and every passion does not stand-alone.

 Each passion and action that follows is completely directed at saving humanity and bringing the Kingdom, or God's dream for the world, that much more of a reality. 

 Start small and dwell in the hope that no act goes unnoticed, and with the right perspective and love behind your small acts, the effects of the acts will create a wake, that can gather strength in the wakes of other small acts creating a monstrous wave that can truly move humanity. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It reminds me of the part of "9 Things You Simply Must Do" that Jon gave us about working like ants:

    "The activity of any individual ant seemed to have little impact. Nor was it apparent how any single grain has much to do with the big picture of what was forming. But the impact was happening, and form was developing."

    I also get so discouraged when making certain sacrifices doesn't always (or ever) yield instantaneous results... but we just have to realize that all big movements happen one step at a time. We can all take little steps... and eventually those little steps will add up. But, we sure have miles to go, so let's get to stepping!
